Thursday, November 3, 2011

Power poin presentations

Bioenergy presentation

Wind energy presentation
1. Describe one thing that surprised you about the energy source that you researched and presented.
One thing that suprised me abput bioenergy is that it is renewable, and that it is extracted from natural resources.

2. Describe one thing that surprised you about an energy source that another team presented.
One thing that greatly suprised me was that coal is used in very large scale, but it is acctually only 30% effective.
3. Describe and defend what you believe to be the most important technological need regarding energy.
I think that one of the most useful energy sources is wind energy. Because it is a clean and renewable source that is everywhere.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The deep dive 2

1. “From the buildings in which we live and work, to the cars we drive, or the knives and forks with which we eat, everything we use was designed to create some sort of marriage between Form and Function.”

2. The folks at IDEO state that they are not experts in any given area. But, they do claim to be experts on the __Procces of how to define stuff___, which they apply to the innovation of consumer products.
3. After the team of designers is brought together, told the problem, and informed they have five days to “pull it off,” what phase of the design process do they immediately engage in?
  • Brainstorm
  • give useful comments.
  • Come up with ideas

4. Give two examples of what the team members did during this phase.

a.Give info and facts about the problem.
b.Brainstorm, and work as a team(teamwork)

5. List five rules-of-thumb that IDEO employees follow when they share ideas during the brainstorming phase:

a.One conversation at the time
b.Stay focused on topic
c.Encourage wild ideas
d.Defer judgement
e.Build on the ideas of others

6. Why should wild (and sometimes crazy) ideas be entertained during the brainstorming phase?
  •  Because out of wild ideas, they come up with brilliant ideas.
  • And if there were only normal ideas, they wouldn't be able to do something cool or extraordinary.

7. After the brainstorming phase was over, the team narrowed down the hundreds of ideas by _____voting_____ for those ideas that were not only “cool” but also _buildable_____ in a short period of time.
What phase of the design process is this called?
Enlightenment trial and error.

8. IDEO believes that the ideas and efforts of a ___team___ will always be more successful than the planning of a lone genius.

9. Once the ideas were narrowed down and divided into categories, the group was split into four smaller teams. What phase(s) of the design process was each of these groups responsible for?
  • Shopping

  • Safety

  • Checkout

  • Finding stuff you need

  • 10. The leaders at IDEO believe that  _a playful __ behavior and a ___fun____ environment are two important reasons why their employees are able to think quickly and creatively to produce innovative results.

    11. Sometimes, people come up with great solutions that work by trying their ideas first, and asking for _____opinion____________ later.

    12. Design is often a process of going too far and having to take a few steps back. What phase of the design process would the critique of the four mock-ups come under?
    re-finding and communicating results

    13. Upon critique of the four teams’ models, it was obvious that none of the teams had developed an optimum solution. However, the people at IDEO believe that it is important to ____fail_________ often in order to ___succed__________ sooner.

    14. What percentage of the entire week’s time did it take to fabricate the final prototype?
    1 day - 20%

    15. Instead of showering his design team with a tremendous amount of praise, what did the boss require his employees to do with their new design?
    Improve on there design

    16. Of all the things that we are surrounded by every day, what has not been placed through the design process?
    • human body
    • nature

    1. What did you find to be the most impressive part of the team’s effort?
  •  Everyone worked as a team an had fun while doing it.

  • No one criticized ideas.

  • The final product looked cool was effective and very successfully.

  • 2. What advantages are there to having a design team with members that have non-engineering backgrounds?
  • Crazier ideas.

  • Ideas engineer wouldn't come up with.

  • Provide more info. from each person from a different field

  • 3. There was a point in the process where a self-appointed group of adults stepped up, stopped the ideas, and redirected the group to break up into teams. Why was this done?
  • So they could get more ideas in a faster range of time.

  • 4. At the end of the video, Dave Kelly states, “Look around. The only things that are not designed are the things we find in nature.” Can you think of anything that would contradict this statement?
  • No, because everything is done by thinking, even minor things. Only nature is not engineered.
  • pumpkin design

    This was the first pumpkin I made.

    Second and improved pumpkin

    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Cardboard canoe challange

    At the end of the race, I earned: 10 achivements 
    • Sketch Ideas - Draw 3 different sketches for possible designs. Label at least 3 key features for each sketch. Describe the feature's functionality so a viewer understands why the called out feature is important.


    Boat #1: Has a stable design. Not a completely flat bottom(almost like a v shape but not that much) and has a big base that can fit one to three persons.

    Boat #3: Tall walls so water wont come in. Can cut thru water.Stable design.

    • Prototype Ideas - Craft physical prototypes (models) of each of your three sketches. Use a note card or post it note to call out at least one key feature on each model. Post the images to your blog and describe the key feature that you've pointed out on each.

    Has a big base, but not completely flat, this boat has very good Resistance, and can carry up to four persons.

    Has large paddles: Helps gains speed and helps balance canoe.

    Has good buoyancy: has a flat and stable bottom that can fit up to two people.
    • Select an Approach - Generate feedback (+, change, ?, !) and make a decision matrix regarding your sketches/prototypes. Specify the approach you've chosen and justify your selection.

    Design 1(Ruy):
    +: It floats well on water
    -: It does not have anything to break water Resistance
    ?: Will it go fast?
    !: Put paddles

    Design 2(Michael):
    +: Its stable
    -: To big
    ?: Will it be effective in the race?
    !: Add paddles

    Design 3(Armando\Stanley):
    +: It can break thru water
    -: Not as stable as others
    ?: Will it sink?
    !: Add side support to help with the buoyancy

    • Use a decision matrix to compare your 3 design approaches (we'll talk about decision matrices in class)

    Best 10 worst 1

    The design that we actually used for the race was the first design.
    Design 1(Ruy):
    +: It floats well on water, and is very buoyant(could hold up to 4 persons)
    -: It had a few leaks that got water onto the boat, and made it heavier.( But it never sank) 
    ?: If we would have had more "horsepower" would we have won?
    !: Put paddles, and perhaps put a bigger piece of cardboard (not attached) under it to give it a good start. And Put more duct tape on the corners and edges.


    Design Achievements
    • Define the Problem and Brainstorm Solutions - State the problem you are designing a solution for. List at least 20 ideas you have regarding your solution.
    The problem was that we had to design, and build the fastest and most resistant boat we could by using duct tape and cardboard,
    1. Make it big
    2. Put paddles
    3. Stable walls
    4. A lot of duct tape
    5. Duct tape rope
    6. Not straight on the bottom
    7. Stable base
    8. Equal size walls
    9. Make it float
    10. Set as much buoyancy as possible
    11. Dynamic
    12. Mermaid at the side
    13. Artistic design
    14. Big stiff cardboard cylinders to hold walls
    15. Put cylinders on front and back
    16. Use cylinders to hold front part and back part of boat as well
    17. Seal corners with  a lot of duct tape
    18. American flag on top
    19. Stable walls with duct tape
    20. Get the stiffest pieces of cardboard possible
    • Big Brain ?

    • Criteria & Constraints - List or reference the specified Criteria and Constraints you're designing for. List at least one implied criteria. List at least three implied contsraints.

    • Criteria implied: Your boat must float at least one student thru the course of the competition
    • Constrains implied:
      • You may only use Cardboard and Duct Tape for this event.
      • Each boat must have a minimum of a 3" tall "sidewall"
      • All exposed cardboard must be covered in duct tape (this will reduce cardboard disintegration in the pool).
    Build Achievements
    • Build It! - Build your watercraft. Document it with a presentable photo.

    Test Achievements
    • The Fastest - Awarded to the first team to reach the far side (25yds)
    We were not the fastest, but we got second place on the race.
    • The Farthest - Awarded to the team that can travel the furthest (laps)
    We didn't go the furthest, but we could have gone more laps.
    • The Longest - Awarded to the team with the watercraft that floats the longest (multiple teams may be awarded this achievement if multiple boats remain afloat at the end of our competition period).
    Every team got this achievement.
    • Balance Master - Awarded if you can have at least one person stand for 5 seconds in the boat (you must conduct this away from the edge of the pool so that non one falls over and hits their head)
    I did achieve this, i was able to stand in it for 10 seconds.
    • Videographer - Take video of the challenge and post to your blog.

    Thursday, October 6, 2011

    Emergency supply list

    Emergency supplies kit

    Top of the list items:
    1. Water
    2. Caned food
    3. First aid kit
    4. Batteries
    5. Flash lights
    6. Radio
    7. Money
    8. Blankets
    9. Pillows
    Other helpfull items:
    1. A car(if possible)
    2. Clothes
    3. Flare gun
    4. I-pod
    5. Shoes
    6. Swiss-armyKnife
    7. Smart phone

    low Importance:
    1. 2 way radio
    2. Mega phone
    3. Duct tape
    4. Head phones

    +: Added water to list
    -: Did not add maps
    ?: Where to go(GPS)
    !: Life raft in case of floods

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    Mousetrap race cars

    Achievements (by stage):
    I gained 15/15 achievements in this event

    Design:"Brainiac" - Brainstorm solutions for your design. Generate a list of at least 10 ideas/concepts.
    • Small car
    • Add ruler to mouse trap
    • stabilizers on wheel
    • Made wheels different sizes
    • Big rubber wheels at the front
    • Put an extra black block in between wheel sets
    • put wheels on the end of each Axel instead of middle.
    • Used mouse trap as launching device, not as an an engine.
    • Small wheels in the middle of the Axel, so they wouldn't overlap with other set of wheels.
    • Launch it at the middle of the ruler

    "Visualize It!" - Create a sketch of a design and label key features.

    Build:"Build It" - Build your design. Document it with a photo.

    "The Price of Glory" - If each part you use costs $1, generate a total cost for your build (This info will be used to generate "cost" data to add a pricing element to the game next year).

    • Wheels (4)= 4$
    • Axles (2)= 2$
    • Black box (2)= 2$
    • Ruler (1)= 1$
    • Total =9$

    "Competitor" - Compete in the 2nd Annual Mousetrap Race car Challenge.
    Yes, i entered my car into the race.

    "Long Distance Winner!" - Travel the furthest in the race.
    Yes, we won 1st place and went 20 tiles long
    "Going the Mile!" - Travel the furthest or second furthest in the race.
    Yes, we won 1st place and went 20 tiles long

    "Led Foot" - Be the team with the fastest time covering the first 24" of the track.
    Yes, we had an acceleration fster than any of the other teams, we got .33 seconds to the 24" mark.

    "Heavy Foot" - Be the team with the fastest or second fastest time to cover the first 24" of the track.
    Yes, we had an acceleration fster than any of the other teams, we got .33 seconds to the 24" mark.
    "Feedback" - Collect feedback (at least one each of +, change, ? and !) from yourself or your classmates.
    +:  Very light car
    ?:  Four big wheels, or four small wheels
    !:  Car had good in-flight movement
    change: On board engine

    Iterate:"Re-work" - Change your build based on your experience with the race/feedback you collected. Document any changes.
    My design had two big wheels, and two small wheels, but if I could do it again, I would put all big or small wheels.

    "Game Changer" - Develop a new rule or change to the game that you feel would make the event better. Explain your concept.
    Make car at most 15 parts

    "Name it" - Invent a name for an achievement that you think is better than what we have currently.
    "Build it small"

    Clean Up:"Leave It Cleaner Than You Found It" - Did you leave your workspace cleaner than you found it? Explain.
    Yes, we cleaned up after ourselfs, and laso others.

    "Design/Build" - What is a "Design/Build" process? How did your experience with this challenge relate to that? Why might you experience this in a career related to technical innovation?
    • The design/build procces is generaly when you did what you thought you were going to design, but then built something different.
    • We can realate to this process because we had a completely different design compared to what we acctualy built.
    • You can experiance it when you are creating something, abd you come up with a better idea, and so you change it.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    "My First Blog Post!"

    hello, this is Ruy Elias and this is my Blog!!

    I enjoy playing all sorts of sports , and have many hobbies, but my main hobby and favorite sport is playing tennis.

    Monday, August 29, 2011

    wallet design

    Open wallet with credit card and change.
    Closed wallet 

    Thursday, June 2, 2011

    Bicycle rack

    -Define the Problem (1pt)
    Create an indoor bicycle rack for a college student without taking to much living space.

    -Brainstorm Solutions (2pts)
    • A hook in the wall to put the front wheel.
    • 2 hooks in the roof to put both wheels.

    -Define Criteria and Constraints (2pts)

    • Bike storage
    • Easy assemble
    • No permanent damage.

    -Generate Sketches (2pts)

    First bike rack: in the wall.

    Second bike rack: in the closet.

    Bike rack attached to closet.

    -Select an Approach: Use a Decision Matrix to justify your approach (2pts)

    Best is 5 worst is 0

    -Model your solution with CAD software: Post an Isometric view of your assembly and a multi view drawing. (3pts)

    -Use the 4 Quadrant Feedback technique to asses your model (3pts)

    Monday, May 16, 2011

    wallet design

    Open wallet with credit card and change.
    Closed wallet 

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    locker organizer design

    Design PhaseIdentify the Problem
    Lockers are not well designed and are very messy all the time.

    Investigate the CHS lockers
    Dimensions: 12 - 10.5 - 17.5

    Brainstorm Solutions
    • Divide into 4 parts.
    • Put a paper holder.
    • Space for pencils and lunch.

    Sketch Three Possible Solutions (include labels and important dimensions)

    Design # 1

    Design  # 2

    Design # 3

    Identify Criteria and Constraints
    • Criteria
      • Must hold:
        • Books and Binders
        • Lunch
        • Pencils and Pens
        • Paper
    • Constrains
      • Must fit in locker
      • easy to install
      • Must hold 20 pounds of books and binders.
      • No flammable materials

    Select an Approach (justify selection with specifics)
    We picked
    • We choose our first design because:
      • it's easy to make 
      •  fits the criteria better than the other designs.
      • more organized.

    Prototype PhaseCraft your design in CAD:
    -Use an assembly of parts.

    ---Create an Isometric view of your assembly.

    ---Create a multiview drawing.
    -----Label your multiview drawing with dimensions.

    Each student will do their own CAD work (You may collaborate in and outside of your team but the actual work must be your own).

    Friday, April 29, 2011

    The Deep dive

    1. “From the buildings in which we live and work, to the cars we drive, or the knives and forks with which we eat, everything we use was designed to create some sort of marriage between _____form__________ and ____function_____________.”

    2. The folks at IDEO state that they are not experts in any given area. But, they do claim to be experts on the ____Process of how to design stuff_________, which they apply to the innovation of consumer products.



    3. After the team of designers is brought together, told the problem, and informed they have five days to “pull it off,” what phase of the design process do they immediately engage in?
    • Brainstorm
    • give useful comments.
    • Come up with ideas
    4. Give two examples of what the team members did during this phase.

    a. Give info and facts about the problem.
    b.Brainstorm, and work as a team(teamwork)


    5. List five rules-of-thumb that IDEO employees follow when they share ideas during the brainstorming phase:

    a. One conversation at the time
    b. Stay focused on topic
    c. Encourage wild ideas

    d. Defer judgement

    e. Build on the ideas of others

    6. Why should wild (and sometimes crazy) ideas be entertained during the brainstorming phase?

    •  Because out of wild ideas, they come up with brilliant ideas.
    • And if there were only normal ideas, they wouldn't be able to do something cool or extraordinary.
    7. After the brainstorming phase was over, the team narrowed down the hundreds of ideas by _____voting________ for those ideas that were not only “cool” but also ___Buildable______________ in a short period of time.

    What phase of the design process is this called?
    Enlightenment trial and error.



    8. IDEO believes that the ideas and efforts of a ___Team         will always be more successful than the planning of a lone genius.


    9. Once the ideas were narrowed down and divided into categories, the group was split into four smaller teams. What phase(s) of the design process was each of these groups responsible for?

    • Shopping
    • Safety
    • Checkout
    • Finding stuff you need

    10. The leaders at IDEO believe that ___a playful_____________ behavior and a ___fun_________ environment are two important reasons why their employees are able to think quickly and creatively to produce innovative results.


    11. Sometimes, people come up with great solutions that work by trying their ideas first, and asking for _____opinion____________ later.



    12. Design is often a process of going too far and having to take a few steps back. What phase of the design process would the critique of the four mock-ups come under?

    re-finding and communicating results

    13. Upon critique of the four teams’ models, it was obvious that none of the teams had developed an optimum solution. However, the people at IDEO believe that it is important to ____fail_________ often in order to _____succeed________ sooner.


    14. What percentage of the entire week’s time did it take to fabricate the final prototype?

    1 day - 20%


    15. Instead of showering his design team with a tremendous amount of praise, what did the boss require his employees to do with their new design?


     Improve on there design


    16. Of all the things that we are surrounded by every day, what has not been placed through the design process?
    • human body
    • nature


    1. What did you find to be the most impressive part of the team’s effort?

    •  Everyone worked as a team an had fun while doing it.
    • No one criticized ideas.
    • The final product looked cool was effective and very successfully.
    2. What advantages are there to having a design team with members that have non-engineering backgrounds?
    • Crazier ideas.
    • Ideas engineer wouldn't come up with.
    • Provide more info. from each person from a different field.

    3. There was a point in the process where a self-appointed group of adults stepped up, stopped the ideas, and redirected the group to break up into teams. Why was this done?
    • So they could get more ideas in a faster range of time.
    4. At the end of the video, Dave Kelly states, “Look around. The only things that are not designed are the things we find in nature.” Can you think of anything that would contradict this statement?
    • No, because everything is done by thinking, even minor things. Only nature is not engineered.

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Glider challenges

    1) An image of your completed glider design.

    2) Your Glider Challenge: Design Phase notes.

    1) What's the challenge?
    Make a glider that can fly farthest and have longer hang time than the others
    2) Brainstorm solutions:
    -What are the rules of brainstorming? (oxymoron)

    • Collect as many ideas as possible from all participants
    • All ideas are welcome no matter how silly or far out they seem
    • Be creative
    • The more ideas the best
    • Do not criticize or judge
    -List your ideas
    • Make a plane not a glider.
    • Make it small.
    • Make it so it will have a lot of wing span. 
    3) Specify:
    • Use only the provided material
      • 1 thick stick about 20 inches long.
      • 2 thin sticks about 38 inches long.
      • 1 medium stick about 40 in inches long.
      • 1 thin piece of paper. 
    • Only three days to build it
    -Constraints (be specific about materials available)
    • Just a few pieces of wood
    • Some paper for the wings
    • Exacto knife
    4) Develop Solutions:
    -Sketch (with labels)

    -Model in CAD

    This is the rough draft of my team's plane.


    4) Your Glider Challenge competition day results. How did your glider perform? What would you change if we competed again?
    • My glider preformed under expectations, but didn't do so bad.
      • It was second place in farthest distance.
      • It was second place in longest hang time.
    • If I could do it again I would:
      •  Make it a Glider instead of a normal plane.
      •  Add more weight to the front.