Monday, February 28, 2011

Egypt Opt-in

Q - What technologies facilitated the regime change we witnessed in Egypt today? List 3. Describe how each technology came about and how each were used in support of the protest.   
  • I think that Face book helps them communicate with the outside world because they can expose the pictures they take, and talk to people around the world..
  • Also cameras helped them take pictures of the the bad things, and the brutalities in Egypt, so they can expose them to the world. The pictures could be exposed by face book.
  • And also cell phones, and the Internet helped them view and show the world the things that are happening.
  • Q - List each of the items displayed in the image. Make your best guess about how they could be re purposed to support peaceful demonstration in the face of an authoritarian regime.
  • I think the jacket is used for protection only.
  • The goggles could be used for eye protection from rocks and other things.
  • The flower could show that you are in peace.
  • You would need good shoes because you would be on your feet for a long time.
  • The spray paint could be used to do graffiti, and to make posters.
  • The top of a tin trash can could be used as a shield to protect yourself from rocks.
  • The bandanna could be used to protect yourself from tear gas.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Graphic Design

  • This advertisement came from the design news magazine.
  • This article is used to market inertial sensors used in Hollywood for movies like Iron Man.

  • This article does include message content, but does not have readability.
  • The article had a lot of info. Wich shows size.
  • The audience can easily identify, and understand the demographics.
  • The suit that is being marketed shows good color, shape, balance, lines, and texture.
1. What are trends? Why is it important to identify them prior to graphic design? says that trends are the general direction in which something tends to move. It allows companies to make their products seem more attractive.
2. How does human nature play a role in how a product is marketed to a specific demographic group?
Humans want stuff, which the different companies produce. According to the product's productivity, and the use of them in a people's daily life makes the companies produce more or less.
3. How is a potential audience identified?
By the age, race, sex, ethnicity, interests, activities, region and mostly demographics.
4. What must you discover about the target audience prior to graphic design?
 You must discover what the audience likes, and wants to have.

Desk organizer

  • For this project, we designed a desk organizer.
  • Some constraints that we had with the desk organizer was that:
    • We had to not let it attach to the desk.
    •  It could not exceed a 6" depth, 12" width, and a 10" height.
    • It must include a recessed area.
    •  And a bent plastic part with a 3/4" thick base.
    •  The last constraints was that it had to have hold six items and it had to have five different parts to it.
  • We chose  the desk organizer because it seemed like the most fun and the most interesting, for this, we followed a series of steps:
    •  For the first step, we defined the problem.
    • For the second step we brainstormed some ideas.
    •  For the third we came up with the best idea.
    •  For the fourth, we used the constraints to help shape our desk organizer so that we knew what not to do.

For this desk organizer, which is called Captain Desk Organizer, it is the best one that we have. It maintains all of the requirements needed and is the best organized.

The above desk organizer, the rectangular desk organizer, does not have 5 different parts or a recessed area. It does maintain the needed size and it does not attach to the desk.

The above desk organizer, the square desk organizer, does not hold a minimum of 5 different parts and its base of more than 3/4" thick. It does meet all of the other standards though.

  • For the matrix, desk #1 was the best desk organizer that we had. It held up all of the requirements needed and it got a perfect score of 30/30.
  •  For the desk #2, it did not turn out as well as we wanted it to because all of the requirements weren't met. It only got a 14/30.
  • Desk #3 was a little better than 2 because it mostly met the requirements except for a couple. It got a score of 21/30.

  • This is our quality brochure for the desk organizer.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Opt - In Challenger disaster

What technical problem caused this accident? Please describe with some detail.
  • On  January 28, 1986 The space shuttle challenger disintegrated in mid air. 
  • The shuttles external fuel tank collapsed because of the failure of the two O-rings in the right solid rocket booster.
  •  Releasing all its liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants.

What was the big picture problem that set the conditions for this accident? 
I think that launching ths shuttle in freezing temperatures is what caused most of the failures, and caused the O-ring to fail.
What implications did this have for the US Space Program? For the nation
  •  Forced important shuttle missions to be put on hold or canceled
  • The accident taught NASA much about the shuttle and how to make space travel safer
  • Challenger accident opened America's eyes to the shuttle's dangers.
  • NASA improved the O-rings and designed bail out system for the astronauts
What other challenges have the Space Shuttles encountered?
  • space shuttle Atlantis inquired problems with the heat shield
  • space shuttle challenger had problems with the O-rings
  • space shuttle Columbia obtained damage during lift off when foam around the external fuel tank creating a whole

Content is king

Q- What is a field/hobby/something you have a passion for (surfing, sailing, robotics, painting, etc.)?
I have a very big passion for biking. I do both, road, and mountain biking.

Q- What person or organization in that field has used blogging to promote their brand?
I know that Lance Armstrong; my favorite ciclist, uses bloggs to promote the type of bikes he uses, and to give tips, and tell about his good riding experiences.
Q- What is a field you might see yourself blogging about?
I see myself bloging about both road and mountain biking, but more mountain biking.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Survival at sea game

  • Intro: A brief summary of the activity.
    • For this activity we had prioritize 15 items from order of importance. This items would help us suvive at sea until we would be rescued.
  • Personal Prioritization: List your prioritization of the items. Share your reasoning on your top 2 picks and your bottom choice. Were there any items you had a hard time choosing a ranking for?
    1. A shaving Mirror
    2. A 25 liter container of water
    3. A fishing kit
    4. A Sexant
    5. A case of army rations
    6. Maps of the Pacific Ocean
    7. 15ft nylon rope
    8. 2 boxes of chocolate bars
    9. 20 Square sheet of Opaque plastic sheeting.
    10. A floating seat cushion
    11. A small transistor radio
    12. A 10 liter can of oil/ petroleum mixture.
    13. A bottle of Rum
    14. A quantity of mosquito netting
    15. A can of shark repellen

  • Of all the items I choose the shaving mirror as 1st because it could be used for signaling.
  • And the shark reppelant as the last because it is not usefull, and it is proven to be useless.
  • And the hardest one to deside was the 2 boxes of chocolate, because it is food, but it will make you very thirsty, and it may melt and make a mess.
  • Team Prioritization: What priority did your team agree on? Talk about an item the group ranked similarly to you. What was something the group ranked far differently than you? What was something you and the group ranked similarly? How did your group work together?
    • Me and my team got almost the same answers for everything.
    •  We had the first and last choice the same.
    • We tough that the mirror could be used for signaling planes and any rescue sources.
    • And we said that the last was the shark repellent because it is proven to be unuseful.
  • Expert Prioritization: How did your choices compare to the "official" Coastguard choices? Were there any big surprises between the two? What do you put more weight in, expert opinion or experiential data? Why?
    • In comparison to the coastguard list, we had somethings right, and others wrong.
    • We got the first one right.
    • But the last one they said, A Sexant, and we said shark repellent. 

Visual Design Elements

1) What are the 6 Visual Design Elements we discussed in class?
The six Visual Design Elements are: Line, Color, Form/ Shape, Space, Texture, and Value.2) What are the 5 Visual Design Principles we discussed in class?
The five Visual Design Principles are: Balance, Rythm, Emphasis, Proportion, and Unity.

3) Locate five items at home or at school that utilize the elements and principles of design. Post an image of each product. List and explain any visual design elements or principles that are evident in that product.
This pice of lined paper uses lines around the hole paper. It also uses proportion, because both sides are equal.

This soccer ball demonstrates the use of shape or form as a circle.
This books show the use of color.

 This empty hallway shows space.
This pice of cloth shows texture.

 This color wheel shows color value.

Tennis ball activity

  • The challenge was tobget the tennis ball to touch all the players in the team before the other team.
  • the criteria was to touch all the people in your team with the ball before the other teamfinished.  the constraints keept changing the whole time.
    • Mr Olson he kept changing the way we had to complete the challenge.
    • The first was to get everyone in the team to touch it.
    •  The second challenge was to stand two arms length away and get everyone to touch the ball 
    • The third with your eyes closed   
  •  our strategy in the end was to keep all our hands in the center much faster
  • we won the first and last time.
  • what we would do the same ideas. This ideas helped us win two times.
  • what we would do differently was to be a lot faster that way we could win the other challenge