Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mousetrap race cars

Achievements (by stage):
I gained 15/15 achievements in this event

Design:"Brainiac" - Brainstorm solutions for your design. Generate a list of at least 10 ideas/concepts.
  • Small car
  • Add ruler to mouse trap
  • stabilizers on wheel
  • Made wheels different sizes
  • Big rubber wheels at the front
  • Put an extra black block in between wheel sets
  • put wheels on the end of each Axel instead of middle.
  • Used mouse trap as launching device, not as an an engine.
  • Small wheels in the middle of the Axel, so they wouldn't overlap with other set of wheels.
  • Launch it at the middle of the ruler

"Visualize It!" - Create a sketch of a design and label key features.

Build:"Build It" - Build your design. Document it with a photo.

"The Price of Glory" - If each part you use costs $1, generate a total cost for your build (This info will be used to generate "cost" data to add a pricing element to the game next year).

  • Wheels (4)= 4$
  • Axles (2)= 2$
  • Black box (2)= 2$
  • Ruler (1)= 1$
  • Total =9$

"Competitor" - Compete in the 2nd Annual Mousetrap Race car Challenge.
Yes, i entered my car into the race.

"Long Distance Winner!" - Travel the furthest in the race.
Yes, we won 1st place and went 20 tiles long
"Going the Mile!" - Travel the furthest or second furthest in the race.
Yes, we won 1st place and went 20 tiles long

"Led Foot" - Be the team with the fastest time covering the first 24" of the track.
Yes, we had an acceleration fster than any of the other teams, we got .33 seconds to the 24" mark.

"Heavy Foot" - Be the team with the fastest or second fastest time to cover the first 24" of the track.
Yes, we had an acceleration fster than any of the other teams, we got .33 seconds to the 24" mark.
"Feedback" - Collect feedback (at least one each of +, change, ? and !) from yourself or your classmates.
+:  Very light car
?:  Four big wheels, or four small wheels
!:  Car had good in-flight movement
change: On board engine

Iterate:"Re-work" - Change your build based on your experience with the race/feedback you collected. Document any changes.
My design had two big wheels, and two small wheels, but if I could do it again, I would put all big or small wheels.

"Game Changer" - Develop a new rule or change to the game that you feel would make the event better. Explain your concept.
Make car at most 15 parts

"Name it" - Invent a name for an achievement that you think is better than what we have currently.
"Build it small"

Clean Up:"Leave It Cleaner Than You Found It" - Did you leave your workspace cleaner than you found it? Explain.
Yes, we cleaned up after ourselfs, and laso others.

"Design/Build" - What is a "Design/Build" process? How did your experience with this challenge relate to that? Why might you experience this in a career related to technical innovation?
  • The design/build procces is generaly when you did what you thought you were going to design, but then built something different.
  • We can realate to this process because we had a completely different design compared to what we acctualy built.
  • You can experiance it when you are creating something, abd you come up with a better idea, and so you change it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"My First Blog Post!"

hello, this is Ruy Elias and this is my Blog!!

I enjoy playing all sorts of sports , and have many hobbies, but my main hobby and favorite sport is playing tennis.
